Humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19              

Humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19              

Facemasks are the most widely used tool for mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Decreased disease severity by the wearer has also been linked to the use of cloth facemasks. This well-documented finding is surprising considering that such masks are poor at filtering the smallest aerosol particles, which can reach the lower respiratory tract and have been associated with severe disease.

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Surface Disinfection Tech Kills 99%+ of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Surface Disinfection Tech Kills 99%+ of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

The long-awaited vaccines to ward off COVID-19 may be getting into people’s arms, but clinicians’ offices around the country are still asking, “are we doing all we can to keep our patient safe?” In addition to the current procedures of cleaning between patients with ultraviolet light or harmful chemicals, new technology is coming online to help answer that question.

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Patient Guidance: Bunion Surgery Options

Patient Guidance: Bunion Surgery Options

The bunion deformity, technically termed hallux abductovalgus or HAV, is a 3-plane positional deformity of the great toe and first metatarsal and can ultimately lead to pain with shoe wearing and walking.  Conservative treatment is always favored first; however, the only way to truly eliminate the deformity itself is by surgical correction.

By Paul J. Betschart, DPM

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