
Neurocognitive Hop Performance and Chronic Ankle Instability

This study aimed to compare the relationship between self-reported ankle disability and neurocognitive hop performance among healthy controls, ankle sprain copers, and individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI). The researchers hypothesized that there would be differences in hop performance among the three groups and a negative correlation between self-reported ankle disability and hop performance in the CAI group.

The participants completed the Choice-Reaction Hop Test (CRHT), which involved hopping on a mat indicated by a flashing light. The results showed no significant difference in hop performance among the three groups, but there was a large correlation between self-reported ankle disability and hop performance in the CAI group.

The researchers concluded that the CRHT may be a useful test to assess neurocognitive hop performance in individuals with CAI and assist clinicians in making clinical decisions for these patients.

Source: Choi JY, Vogel CM, Remski LE, Knarr BA, Rosen AB. The Relationship Between Neurocognitive Hop Performance and Self-Reported Ankle Function Among Chronic Ankle Instability Participants, Ankle Sprain Copers and Healthy Controls. J Athl Train. 2023;58(6S):96.