A Role for Arthroscopy in Managing Ankle Trauma?

A Role for Arthroscopy in Managing Ankle Trauma?

Consider the benefit of arthroscopy for addressing intraarticular pathology at the time initial surgical repair of high-grade ankle fracture is performed. Ankle fractures are a common orthopedic injury. Although surgical repair often yields good results, many cases are nonetheless associated with poor clinical outcome after repair.  

By Kevin Burke, DPM and Jonathan Hook, DPM

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Post-traumatic OA: Unique implications for the military

Post-traumatic OA: Unique implications for the military

Military populations experience high rates of disability related to post-traumatic osteo­arthritis (PTOA), which does not always originate from combat injury. But military researchers are also uniquely posi­tion­ed to explore therapeutic options to minimize the effect of PTOA.

By Jessica C. Rivera, MD, Joseph C. Wenke, PhD, James R. Ficke, MD, and Anthony E. Johnson, MD

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Understanding Who We Are Helping

Understanding Who We Are Helping

Chronic conditions such as diabetes and peripheral vascular disease were the leading cause of amputation for more than 60% of patients treated at Indiana University Center for Limb Loss (CLL), a Level 1 Trauma Center, according to a new retrospective study. In looking at the electronic medical records of 218 amputee patients who…

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Treadmill-related Lower Extremity Injuries Treated at United States Emergency Departments

Treadmill-related Lower Extremity Injuries Treated at United States Emergency Departments

Background: Treadmills are the most popular piece of exercise equipment, with millions of people in the United States (US) using the devices each year. Thousands of people are treated for treadmill-related injuries in the US annually. The objective of this study was to describe treadmill-related lower extremity injuries treated at US hospital emergency departments (EDs).

By Mathias B. Forrester, BS

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